

5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencionni - Book Review


No need for too much introduction, book can be found on Audible and any other store. It’s got a fair amount of reviews but make sure you never take any book too literally, life is more complicated than that.


1. Absence of Trust

What’s the definition of trust in the context of building a team?

It’s not easy to nurture trust because in the course of their lifetime, people are being pushed towards challenging one another, competing, therefore this behaviour might be hard to accept initially.

What should happen?

What are some vulnerabilities?

If people are trustful in their team members, they can then concentrate their energy into simply doing the job at hand rather than being political with one another.

What are some tools to help us build trust?

Connection to dysfunction 2 (Fear of conflict): by building trust, team makes conflict possible; members know they are not going to be punished by participating in discussions and debates

2. Fear of conflict

It’s important that team members to believe that conflict is necessary.


Tools to help us build constructive conflict:

Connection to dysfunction 3 (Lack of commitment): by engaging in productive conflict, a team can commit and buy into a decision knowing that the decision has benefited from all their ideas

3. Lack of Commitment


Tools to help build commitment:

Connection to dysfunction 4 (Avoidance of accountability): In order for us to call on each other actions, we need to have a clear definition of what we need to do.

4. Avoidance of accountability


Tools to help build accountability:

Connection to dysfunction 5 (Inattention to results): If team members are not being kept accountable for their actions, they’re more likely to turn their attention to their own needs; it’s an invitation to care more about their results than the actual team results

5. Inattention to results


Tools to help build attention to results: